Nexsure® Release (04-19-19)
| Enhancements | Resolved Issues | Previous Development |
- Accounting Periods in Accounting Setup now default to 13 lines items per page to show all 13 periods. Previously it defaulted to 10 per page
- Added filter to show Pending Cancellations and Cancelled policies on Retail Agent Payable Recons (Transactions section) and Retail Agent Disbursements (Payable Invoices section)
- Display Pending Cancellations in Orange and Cancellations in Red on the Retail Agent Payable Recons (Transactions section) and Retail Agent Disbursements (Payable Invoices section) screens
- Added a field for "Retail Agent Legal Name" below the existing Retail Agent Name field on the Retail Agent Name tab. The Retail Agent Legal Name will automatically populate with the text entered in the existing Retail Agent Name field. The field is required and editable
- eDocs/Alerts/Activity Notes have been enabled globally in Nexsure
- Employers Insurance Group of Nevada Workers Compensation downloads have been certified
- Updated the Florida Family Download Coverage Codes
- Acuity eDocs/Activity Notes certification
- Added feature to remove Fees and Taxes for recognized codes from download estimated premium. Initial implementation is with USLI, RLI and AmTrust
Resolved Issues
- Checking the Change of password required box on the Employee's Security tab is now working properly. Previously you were not prompted when logging in to change the password even though the box was checked
- Corrected an issue in which using the page number drop down box on the Delivery summary screen was not taking you to the selected page. Now you can navigate with the drop down box or the arrows correctly
- Clicking Accept and Reply from the InBox would take you to the Delivery screen but all the attachment options were not available on the menu. This has been corrected so all the attachment options i.e. policies, invoices, cancellations, other etc show
- Corrected an issue in which an error occurred at times when forwarding or replying to an email with attachments
- Previously when clicking the View Invoices link on a commission download, all the invoices would not appear. The ones that did not appear had a Transaction Type of Cancellation Request. All the invoices now show when clicking the View Invoices link
- Auto Medical Payments and UM Coverage now populate on Personal Auto LOB's for various states
- Corrected the Auto Login for EMC
- Corrected the Auto Login and Loss Run Inquiry for Berkshire Hathaway Homestate Companies
- Corrected Auto Login for Southern Oak
- Corrected Auto Login and Policy Inquiry for Florida Peninsula
- Corrected Auto Login and Policy Inquiry for American Integrity
- Century-National policies now default to National General eServices
- Corrected the Auto Login for Westfield
- Additional Interest - Other Interest Type Description can now be populated from ACORD 127/137 CA to ACORD 175
- Adding an Acord 152/402 Package to an Acord 24 Certificate no longer errors
- Error no longer occurs when adding an Acord 402 to the Acord 27 Certificate
- The Acord 131 Limit of Liability - Aggregate Limit now populates the binder
- Corrected population issue with ACORD 3 Marine and Energy Certificate
- The changes on an Acord 401 and 404 now populate the Acord 175 and the populate button dims as it should. Previously the button would not dim when clicked and the changes did not populate
- Increased the Rental Reimbursement field on the Acord 90 from 4 to 5 characters
- Subscriptions now work properly when using the "By Days of Week" option. Previously when looking at the subscription, the days of the week selected would not display and the subscribed report was not generated
- Corrected issue with the wrapping of large dollar amounts on the Retail Agent Remittance Advice
- Corrected an issue on the Book of Business Report with using "Select All" link on the LOB and the NAICS/SIC Code filters. Not all selected items were being passed to the report so the report might not have included all the data that matched the criteria.
- Added the subscription description to the display on the Schedule Summary pop up screen